Running cold ( thermostat problems)

So I noticed that whilst driving my temp gauge dosent go right to the top and wonderd if mpg was down due to running in cold mode after browsing I found many people said this is a common problem and even ktec sell them saying the same thing but I'm always sceptical unless I know for sure so before replacing the thermostat I looked further into it, I got the running temperatures for my clios engine and plugged my programmer in with live data feed,thermostat opens at 80 degrees and is fully open at 86 degrees (auto data) I set out on a run and wached the engine temp slowly rise after about 10 mins I was up to 80 degrees I drove round for some time watching the engine temp fluctuate between 80-89 degrees, turnes out that's where the needle sits on the gauge and the thermostats not stuck in the open position like many are lead to belive, kinda glad I did my research now and be weary of changing things just because someone else says so
Under half way probs about 1/3-2/5 of the way up, i can't remember what mark exactly and I'm not using the car until next week but it does look low on the gauge and it defiantly shouldent run at half way on the gauge it would be running to hot if that was the case
It should sit between the second n third mark, first mark being minimum. Normally just over the second mark when climate control/aircon is on due to aircon bringing the rad fan on at low speed, and just under the third mark when climate control/ aircon is off.
Cool, temps fine on mine anyway just thought I'd warn others not to rush in and replace em that's all :smile:. My 172 did alot more mpg so thought I'd look into it as mines averaging 22.3mpg without aircon running I thought that was abit low but iv since spoke to another owner n Thers runs at 24 so not that big of a difference plus I do 6 miles of quiet B road on my way to work 6 mornings a week that won't do my mpg any favours haha !
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I too looked into this a while ago. Mine doesn't sit still it moves around from the 3 line to just under, then back to the line ete. No idea why it doesn't just stay still lol
the stat in the 197 is a 75c one so is cooler than the norm

182 stats are 82c iirc...