Remember not to buy petrol tomorrow

It's meant to make a joke of the goverent hence the date lol

I don't know if it will work or not I was just passing on the message.
Another side to all this which was over a year ago now was to stop using BP and just use any other petrol station, if nobody went to a BP station for a full week this would force them to cut the price which would force the other's to follow.
As i only ever use Shell i feel i have been helping with this for many years now!
Pitty people still use BP.
armed forces are already stretched enough with herrick commitments, and with reductions in numbers between now and 2015 you won't find anyone in the military agreeing with you.

I was taking the piss mate. I think the fact we throw our armed forces (ill equipped) into so many conflicts for no real gain other than oil is a joke.


Anyway were getting a little off topic lol