It's all very simple Rogue, here's a breakdown...
The Chain Of Command;
01; Overlords (Jase & Mike) - Responsible for EVERYTHING!!! :jase2:
02; The Key Maker (MikeDX) - Responsible for the place running right. :bash:
03; The Over Moderator (Foxspeed) - Responsible for moderating your ass!!! :coffee:
04; HE IZ THA LURRR (MikeLYR27) - Responsible for the judging and sentencing. :bat:
05; The Underlings (N0ddie, MikeH197) - Responsible for general tidying up and moving stuff. :thumbsup:
06; The Gatekeeper (Willis) - A mythical creature, some say he's responsible for keeping the troll/idiot ratio down.