200: Recaro seat wear issue advice

Hi guys,

Handing my 2011 2.0 ff 200 back to my finance company and I know they will definitely try and charge me for the 2inch hole on my drivers side Recaro.

We all know this is a common fault and should be classed as wear and tear, so they've instructed me to prove this, to avoid a hefty charge.

Has anyone on here gone through that process? Contact Renault? Can someone on here 'confirm' this is a known fault?

Any help massively appreciated.
When I purchased Litchys,( Now Youngarthurs Shed), the drivers bolster was badly torn, and the seat had a couple of patches, where the fibers had been caught.A upholsterer in M/K, repaired it, and used a stronger material, doing the job in a few hour,£125, and the seat looks like new.
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