Rear wiper removal


Paid Member
How do you remove the rear wiper? I have tried pulling/wiggling and everything! Seems like it won't budge, looking for the flush look at the rear!
How do you remove the rear wiper? I have tried pulling/wiggling and everything! Seems like it won't budge, looking for the flush look at the rear!

I dewiper'd my previous car but missed it so much so my Clio's rear wiper is staying on!!

To take it of i would imagine it would be the same principle as my previous car.

1. Take of the trim panel on the inside of the boot
2. The Wiper motor will be then exposed with 3-4 bolts holding it in place
3. Undo the bolts
4. Should be a bolt to undo on the acutal wiper to pull that part off.
5. Remove the motor.
6. Fit a wiper blank for the hole
7. Refit trim

Hope I'm a help
My Saxo VTR's came of with ease, just a bit of WD40 like.

But as Tom said we had to get his off with a hacksaw!!! That was on a corsa btw.