Power over substance...?

Some big decisions to be made over the next few days. Everythings in place for R26 transplant and I'm starting to bottle it...
I'm not yet convinced the clio needs more power. I have a healthy and reliable 196bhp already.
I wonder whether it will negatively change the character of the car and how it drives
I wonder whether the conversion will take some ironing out, which will mean the cars in and out the garage. These type of conversions are never plug and play.
I wonder whether the more power will expose other less obvious weaknesses in the car. I actually love the fact its so simple in N\A form
I wonder whether the money could be better spent on some well set up coilovers
Also need to consider the increased insurance costs

270 bhp in a clio does sound pretty good but power, balance and drivability are sometimes better than just chasing figures....I really need to sleep on it...
Personally I wouldn't do it.

I love revving the nuts off it and enjoying the car for what it is. I think you are right that you might uncover more issues than you want. Also having the car in and out of the garage, would that not make you fall out of love with it and further make you think that you could have put the money elsewhere?

You really have to be 100% to go through with it - ask Jonesy or Mike

Mind you it would be an epic mag feature having three forced induction LY Clios!!! :thumbup:
Mine was plug and play, just as Paul, there has been no other weakness showing from the car what so ever, tho it does change the way the car drives.
U need to think about what u want , something like this can't be done half heartedly!! I get alot better mpg too lol
U need to think about what u want , something like this can't be done half heartedly!!

Brilliantly said. To be honest and always personally speaking, I was never fond of that conversion, neither of the S/C route. They never appealed to me. The car has a real character as it is, a bit of more power like 10-20bhp (basically real N/A 200bhp) would be just right. I don't think the car would drive like normal with 260+ bhp. I love the way it revs, the way it sounds, its realibility, its behaviour and generally speaking the way it drives.

Please correct me on that but doesn't the car understeer like crazy (even with lsd) with such power? And then you got the running costs as well like tyres/brakes/insurance etc plus the 4+k for the conversion? I jst can't justify spending nearly 5k or maybe more (suspension upgrade to go with the package, maybe brakes) to a 8k car. No offence to the people who did that of course, respect :thumbup:because that was exactly what they wanted. :001_rolleyes:
Sounds like a good project to me. Personally wouldn't do it. I like OEM +. But that's just me. I would rather get something new and with more power. Will you really need 270 bhp or will it just be bragging rights in the pub? Stick with 225/230 bhp and it will probably be all the car you need.
I really like the N/A power band of the clio, through the corners its an awful lot of fun (More so than my Mums WRX) the power band is predictable and 'pulls' you out of the bend, the turbo WRX however decides to kick in wherever it wants to and can ruin the 'fluid' feel through the bend. I definitely enjoy the power band of the clio a lot more and feel I can drive it faster in and out of the twistys

In a straight line hands down there is no question in my mind about conversion or no conversion, the clio does urgently need more power, 270HP would be insane!

If I were doing an engine conversion in an ideal world it would be a modern V6, mounted in the middle. Loads of power/torque and the N/A power band to match. But that wouldn't be a simple plug and play, at least the Megane engine matches the engine mounts ect.
It's not for me this conversion, I'd just rather buy a megane and have the reliability, tidy oem finish and most importantly retain some value.

You'll never get your cash back for a 225 engined Clio.

As said work of this nature is rarely a simple case of fit and forget, issues and setups will require constant adjustments.

Even my misses 182 conversion into the 1.4 Clio was a pain in the arse with reliability initially, and that's a direct swap!
It depends on what you're after, I love NA engines over turbo so I wouldnt have it done.
As others have said you need to be 100% committed as these type of jobs are never dopr in and go
I'd really like to see a standard 197 v a cammed,v6 box, exhaust, matched inlets Clio, on a strip too see the real increases in performance, as this would be the mods for me, I couldn't justify the conversions, but they are awesome and fair play to the lads who have pioneered it!!!
Why not have it done and keep the standard R26 map giving you 230hp

If you feel it needs more there's always scope to do it.

Another thing with the standard map is the cars delivery is really smooth and un-turbo like. Though Ive never driven a stage 1 or 2 to compare it.
as said, a turbo car drives differently to N/A.

After going from a 230 bhp Clio 172 to a 250bhp Impreza STi, I had to almost re-lkearn how to drive it. As you didnt need to wring its neck for power.

But then thats not to say a 225 engined Clio wouldnt be lots of fun, just needs a different approach.

For me, I am going to do the 225 conversion to my 200. I do plenty of track days, so will be able to explore the cars limits, and enjoy the extra power.

If its just for road use, then I wouldnt bother. Its a fair chunk of money for something you dont need.

As for the coilover setup, for me, if your changing from the stock setup, a high quality decent setup is a no brainer. Rather than some 'budget' items.
By doing the R26 conversion and not remapping it!

That's what I was saying, it may be one less thing to worry about if the new engine is running what it should do anyway. Then start mapping if it proves reliable.
Had a conversation with mechanic and decided to take a different route. Going down the headwork and cams. Looking at 230bhp NA