Potential solution: V6 Airbox without moving the battery

Does anyone know how long the spark 600 battery will last compared to a car battery?

it is meant to have the same power as a red top or equivalent, apparently a lot of scooby owners use it without any problems however as far as i know it's an Italian company so i don't know how easy it will be to get hold of one in the UK... I'm sure there are others that are of a similar size though.
not to sure if the V6 box will fit with the varley red top15 with it been a bigger box than the maxogen but looks ok in the first pic with the motorbike battery.

Your probably right, the V6 airbox has a bracket that sits atop the gearbox to hold the bottom of it so i doubt it'll leave room for a battery any bigger than a PP9.
it is meant to have the same power as a red top or equivalent, apparently a lot of scooby owners use it without any problems however as far as i know it's an Italian company so i don't know how easy it will be to get hold of one in the UK... I'm sure there are others that are of a similar size though.

if the battery was available to get a hold of it would save a right faff having to move the battery to the boot, looks like a winner, and its tidy. nothing worse than having a mess under the bonnet.