Post a pic of your dirty Clio's

Always this time of year makes me want to get my wheels sprayed Anthracite. Always think they look great when they're really dirty!
Mine's filthy, and under a blanket of snow.

I'll try and get some pics tomorrow whilst over at RS Tuning.
Just been out to clean the old girl, compared to some of the others on here it wasn't too bad but the OCD (Obsessive Cleaning Disorder) kicked in and I had to wash it lol! Took a couple of photos before but non after as it started snowing again, typical!






^^^ Lol tell me about it Matt!

I will be able to sleep easy tonight knowing that it is cleaned and tucked away!
Hahahaha Roy believe me I have never been so ashamed! ;/

It is now my desktop background on the PC, as a permanent reminder never to do it again lol! :thumbup1:
Yeah it was more like abused last weekend so it has had a bit of a pamper this weekend for a change!

Would be good to see another filthy motor. Tell you what you shoot me, and then I will shoot you haha!
Yeah it was more like abused last weekend so it has had a bit of a pamper this weekend for a change!

Would be good to see another filthy motor. Tell you what you shoot me, and then I will shoot you haha!
sounds good to me :lol:
Fortunatly mine isn't too bad but I still want to give her a pamper, but just can't get her out of the garage because of the snow. I am definitley going to give her a good going over next time she is out!!! Other wise I might get a :slap:
