Pics of my new toy

Today's been my first proper chance to take the Clio out for a wee blast since i got it, so i headed down the coastal road to East Lothian and stopped for a few pics along the way.

My initial impressions are that the car is fantastic to drive, although it does roll a tad more than i hoped, but the pay off is a great ride over the crappy roads around here! There's not as much steering feel as i'm used to from my Integra, but i think there's a good chance that's down to the budget tyres on the front (but they'll have to stay for now unfortunately)

Anyways, here's some pics

What tyres are fitted? Cars feel rubbish on cheap rubber don't they. Tbh, when we were flying round Wales last year, my non cup pack 197 was faster than the cup packed cars, I think it comes down to how mad the driver is! Lol!
Cheers guys, thanks for the comments. I absolutely love the colour, although with my daily commute to work it's gonna need washed a lot!

No plans for it yet, the idea was to have something a little more sensible than my Teg, so for the moment it's not going too loud or low (but i'm not ruling it out!)

The tyres on the front are Nexens, never heard of them, so once i get some spare cash in the summer it'll either be getting new Contis or Michelins all round

I knew the non Cup chassis would roll a bit more, it's just a little more than i expected, although that could be because i'm so used to the Bilsteins that were on my Teg. But after nearly a month i'm still loving it loads, looking forward to taking it out a lot over the next few months