Parking issues

Folks today my girlfriend was at our house. Some guy stopped by and demanded she move her car (A smart car at that!) as his little girl couldn't pass on her bike(his little girl was walking at the time???) My girlfriend moved the car in to the drive as I was not there. She had parked there for about 5 minutes as she was taking the bins out etc and returning to her mothers house.

This is NOT a neighbour this guy lives else where in the estate and we've never seen him before. Our neighbours do not mind us parking where we park as we have asked and confirmed they are happy with it!

My girlfriend was indeed parked quite high up the kerb as its a corner but there was enough room for people to pass.

My question is is it legal to park on the footpath in front of your house if your driveway is blocked? e.g if my car is in the drive. We are very close to a corner so we can't park on the road!
Dont think your allowed to park on the path tbh. If there's still room for people to pass though I don't see a problem.
You're not legally allowed to park on the footpath, but if you were to get in an argument about it with whoever, you could argue that the road width is too narrow to allow cars to easily pass by. It's one of those things that never really gets enforced other than in places like London.
This is true but you're also not allowed to ride on the path iirc..

Also correct. But this is another one of things that never gets enforced. Small children don't really count because they are under the age of criminal responsibility.
Definitely not supposed to park on a pavement, it's a pavement. Can understand why you do and would (I have in circumstances).

Best thing is to make sure you don't block the whole pavement if possible.

It's actually a bit of a pet hate of mine :tongueout:
I always park my work van slightly on the kirb, just gives people that bit of extra room when driving past. But there's taking the p, some people park their whole car on the path, which is just stupid. It also annoys me when people park opposite each other, making it really difficult to get through. This happens a lot down my road. If a fire engine needed to get through, sometimes I just don't think it would.
Your fine aslong as your not blocking a drop down curb (even if its your own to your driveway) and on the pavement a double buggy/pram can get past.
Thanks folks ill get her to park with just the tyres on the curb ive told her seeral times before. End of the month he garden will be sorted though so its only until then :smile:
You should be alright parking with just tyres on but by the sounds of it that bloke doesn't like it so he could easily get a parking ticket on your car.

It is illegal to park on pathways so even with just tyres on your still at risk.

Police never patrol down streets but it has occured down our street (someone rang the police and got them to put a ticket on the car!!!!!) Some people are just... well you know