O my God

Fitted kw v1 coilovers to my GW 197, its only done 21.000, during fitting i couldn't beleive it, but both my standard front springs were snapped, it was a clean brake on the third coil, has anyone else had or notice this problem
cheers Gav
i couldn't believe it. 08 plate mate. my girl friends brother is a renault mechinc and he never saw that before. i got there in the end lol, coilovers are the way forward. i also got 25mm spacers and the handling is great, set it up lower at the front so car grips alot better mate
yeah get some snaps up dude! glad you got sorted!!! maybe its previous owner didnt care about the pot holes that are everywhere now?!
Sorry people done it wrong

This is the car just before it was about to be lowered


The car as it sits


Slammed lol

Cheers mate, been a while since i put pictures up. what was i doing wrong. do i need to open the pictures using Flickr then paste it in to
Cheers mate, been a while since i put pictures up. what was i doing wrong. do i need to open the pictures using Flickr then paste it in to

You have to right click on the image in Flickr and view the large image. From there you can right click and "Copy image URL" and paste into
Looks well. We fitted my v1s Thursday. Not slammed it as much as yours as I do lots of A/B road driving. They are imo a little more harsh than the standard cupped set up, but nothing I can't live with. My springs were fine, 08 cup with 25k
Looks spot on, love the 197 on colivers and spacers

How easy was it to get the old front struts out?
cheers people. the front struts aren't to bad to get off. just the track rod end a pain lol. makes it alot easy if you have all the right tools Gav

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