Nimbus 197,

...yep. Spent 8 hours shining it on is totally dirty at the back again....I think I may have seen you around before.....spotted two others today! hardly ever see 197/200's......
...yep. Spent 8 hours shining it on is totally dirty at the back again....I think I may have seen you around before.....spotted two others today! hardly ever see 197/200's......

8 hours!! That's dedication :smiley:

I see the odd 200 every now and then, don't see many 197s though. Im normally on the ringroad at some point between 3.30 and 4.30, but don't drive everyday (lift sharing, helps keep fuel cost down)
Will probably do another 'quick' wash this w/ neighbour must think I'm a nutter....

I wouldn't normally be out that way at rush hour....avoid the A4174 as much as possible these days....had to go to Filton to pic my partner up today. My route to work is normally on quiet country lanes....I car share a lot but when I get the chance I will normally offer to drive (for obvious reasons)....
I know what you mean, I would like to avoid the A4174 but I work right next to it, so its impossible to avoid. And if i take the county lanes, they just bring me back onto the A4174 or take me an even longer way.