Time for a well overdue update.
Over Xmas the car didn't get much use, i couldn't bring myself to trudge up and down the country with the roads being salty and horrible.
Not getting dirty went well...
First weekend after Xmas me and the Mrs decided to have a day out in the countryside, the a/b roads were lovely. But off the beaten track they were a little muddy
Right, it's having a wash!
Living in an apartment i have no way of washing the car, so a local drive in place had the pleasure. for £7 they did a pretty solid job and the car was once again blue.
I entered a competition over on MSV's Facebook page to win some Dodo Juice products, to my amazement i won a goodie bag that contained a little taster selection.
Now i know little to nothing about detailing cars, the most i have ever done is some T Cut and Turtle Wax, i did try claying once but never got decent enough results.
I read the handy tutorial and decided to give it a go.
I am very impressed with this stuff, i started by using the Lime Prime which cleans paintwork in prep for waxing, applied with one cloth, buffed with another.
Then i set about with a foam pad and some of their Hard Candy wax, once applied i buffed with another cloth. The paintwork came up a real treat and for saying this was my first time the car was swirl free and baby smooth.
Tip run, then you can play.
Orders from the Mrs were given and off on my way i went, as a side note its surprising the amount of junk you can fit in one of these.
Once the car was emptied i headed out onto my favorite roads up here, they were quiet but greasy in places. The Clio really is a little star on a back road, the chassis can take bumps well and there always seems to be just the right amount of grip. A trip up to Holme Moss did however show that this chassis can tramline on uneven cambers.
A few pictures
Wanting to showoff my shiny paintwork i broke out the camera.

20180114-9I3Y4495 by
Alexander Dunlop, on Flickr

20180114-9I3Y4494 by
Alexander Dunlop, on Flickr

20180114-9I3Y4487 by
Alexander Dunlop, on Flickr

20180114-9I3Y4481 by
Alexander Dunlop, on Flickr
After these pictures i carried on around some more of the roads just for the hell of it. Car behaved well apart from deciding it needed an oil top up, luckily i had some on me so pulled over and attempted to top up. Apart from a gust of wind meaning i slightly soaked the engine in oil this went well
I haven't really got any plans for the car as yet, i wanted to do another track day but i may have booked a bookatrack drift day in a Caterham so that's swallowed up my track day funds for now.
The small list of jobs i have is to get some new front tyres soon and i maybe should give the gearbox oil a refresh. Other than that i will use the little Clio until i need to sell!