New member!

Evening everyone,
My names Gareth and study motorsport engineering at uni and from Banbury/Surrey.

About a week ago I picked up my lovely albi blue 197, it's a 56 with 30k on the clock, ff with cup splitter and spoiler, xenons and auto climate.

Over the moon with it and I can say I have wanted one of these since I started driving about 3 years ago, been over at with my old 1.2 Clio then had a big upgrade to a twingo 133 then I can finally afford the insurance for one of these, (alot until your 20!!)

Got a few ideas for it, first the wheels need a furb so might go anthra like the f1's, eibachs, not 100% on the cup skirts yet but is a maybe.

Great site by the way and hope to come to some meets soon.

Pics to come after a good old detailing sesh.
Welcome along Gareth!!! Glad you're enjoying her, I did the same thing in wanting one for about 2 years before I managed to insure one hahaha!!! :smiley:
Welcome along Gareth!!! Glad you're enjoying her, I did the same thing in wanting one for about 2 years before I managed to insure one hahaha!!! :smiley:

Iv always been a Renault person, Iv only just turned 20 and had three!!

Yeh it's not too bad for what it is, I only pay just shy off a grand which isn't too bad too insure a 197, it's what my friends pay to do there 1.6's lol.

Also would you recommend the itg filter?

I'd say get one yeah, I don't think it's made an enormous difference in terms of performance to be honest but the throttle response seems a tad sharper (although that could be in my head). It's got to be better than the paper jobbies though and it's washable so you'll never need another one. :smile:
No worries-

Dont forget if you want them done i can get all 4 alloys done for £144 in anthricite


Welcome matey, you got the best colour by far :wink: :thumbup:

Steve, is that just for him or can you get that done for anyone :tongueout: as I wanted mine anthracite and only live round the corner from you :smile:
No worries-

Dont forget if you want them done i can get all 4 alloys done for £144 in anthricite


Where do I sign? Also do you know where the best place to get the cup skirts, think it will finish it of nicey, looks a bit bare round the sides.

Cheers g.

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