Mixed Trip To Tesco...

Going through Dunham (little village, one pub, ten houses) and I'm doing about 20MPH about to turn left when BANG!, massive noise out of nowhere. So, of course I sh!t myself and slammed the brakes on. Looked in the drivers door mirror to see what it was. There's no mirror. Strange...

Might be a silly question but did you not notice a car getting alarmingly close to you lol before she hit your mirror?

I can tell if a cars going to make contact and brace my self for the worse, like when my mate was driving down a back lane that could fit two cars fine if both kept over but my mate was more on the other side than his and I could see a car coming the other way and I just shut my eyes followed by the sound of their horn and bang as they went past lol

Going back to what happened, they are taking the piss and trying it on, as soon as she said it was your fault I would have lost it with her, probably on the phone or doing her makeup.

People like that make me mad.
Nope, completely out of the blue mate.

There was a car in front of me that had stopped to let somebody through on our side of the road as a row of parked cars was on there side. I was maybe 5M back from the stationary car, slowing down and preparing to turn left. When the headlights went past me and BANG! She wasn't going slow, not edging past, just all of a sudden. I was doing 15-20MPH at the time, on a narrow road looking to turn into a wider road, so I had no reason to swing out.

I've now spoken to the Legal Advice Team and they've told me to get him to sign for the reciept of money and to put the words ''Final Settlement'' in there. I'm just waiting for him to turn up now. I'm not giving him anymore than that nor am I going to touch his window, but I will refer him to a friend who does it for a living. The legal guy basically said that nobody can proove who did what, and as his car is now legal and the mirror is repaired then the insurance company will be charging them their excess to replace a rubber weather strip and polish a window. So at the point, they'd advise them not to claim. If they wanted to pursue me for costs for that then they'd have to file in the Small Claims Court, which they would have to foot the bill for personally.

It has pissed me off, I was happy to go halves as a goodwill gesture, but I get the feeling that they've seen my goodwill as a weakness because I'm a young lad. Like the legal guy said, there's not even any guarantee that she is actually on the insurance if it's her husbands car...
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It's not a sign of admission... You could also argue that her husband offering that we go halves could also be seen as that in that case.

My £35 plus her £95, so £65 each, given that nobody could proove blame either way, I thought that was a fairly decent and sensible thing to do.

Wish I'd have given her a slap instead now Roy!!! :smiley:
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. Until I point out that she'd just passed five parked cars and was half on my side,


If she was on your side of the road then she is at fault, if you had have taken pics at the time of the incident she would not have a leg to stand on.

Thats what the white lines are for.
Couldn't take any mate, it was too dark for the flash on my iPhone. :worried:

Not heard from the idiots today, but when they come to collect the £65 I'm going to inform them that that's there lot as a scuff on the glass and the rubber can't be definately linked (as they're in the process of moving house and have been using the car to transport furniture, they could have done that themselves) and it's not something that will ''devalue the car, or prevent its safe use'', in the words of the Legal Advice Team. The fact that her mirror glass flew about 30Ft in front of her car as well just adds to the notion that if I was going at 200 Leptons, as accused, then it would've flown in the direction that I was heading...

The thing is, I can't proove she was over the white line, just as much as she can't proove if I was. It's such a non-event that they're attempting to blow up, it's unbelievable. I've been advised that any further requests for money from me can be taken as extortion or blackmail with the threat of damaging my driving/insurance record. So, if they get funny then I'll throw that at them too.

I've spoken to an Insurance Assessor and he's basically backed up what the legeal guy told me and said that any damage that doesn't render the car unfit for use or damage it's value does not need to be put right, there is no legal obligation for it to be corrected and my insurance company are within their rights to refuse to pay out.

One thing in my favour is that I drive professionally and have been trained to a very high standard, with plenty of certificates to back it up. Therfore, it could be argued that my spatial awareness and road positioning is much better than that of the average driver... Considering I cover around 35,000Miles per year in a truck, with less than 10% of that on the motorway, all without incident.
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Shame how people play on some peoples good nature
I can understand you doing what you did - its a pity most of us arn't like you (and me......i'd have done the same as you)
Give some folk an inch eh?..........
Cheers Adey. :smile:

Right then, update time...

Luke (the husband) has just popped round.

And what a genuinely nice bloke!!! He was admiring Nicole when I got to the door and he said hello, shook my hand and launched straight into asking about 197s, 200s, saying he'd never seen one up close and could he have a sit in it!?! You couldn't make this up!!! :smiley:

We were chatting away about 911s for about twenty minutes as well as that's what he's buying once they move to London at the end of this week, he's a Management Consultant, spends more time on planes then he does at home and wants to get into trackdays... He only uses the E92 once a week to go shopping, doesn't even know who it's insured with or what the excess is. As he put it ''I'm not trying to fleece you mate, I'm not being brash but I'm not short for £50. She's just kicked up a right fuss, I know exactly what's happened and I know she's hit you, but she's having none of it and I've got to live with her at the end of the day...''.

He showed me the scuff on the window and I pointed out that it's actually not as bad as what's on mine and he agreed. I had a look at the scuff on the weather strip, which on E92s, isn't rubber but is actually painted plastic. It's a chip about 3mm long, easily fixable by Chips Away or similar... I showed him where somebody had dropped a sheet of plasterboard down Nicole and he couldn't believe it, couldn't see the marks and I showed him a photo on my phone to proove it.

As they're in the process of moving to London and are only going to be up here another 3 days, he said if I know anybody locally who does smart repairs then can I give him their number and he'll try get it done before they move... To satisfy wifey, he himself wasn't too fussed as ''she only bloody washes it once a year anyway''. He said if I can get him a number, he'll be more than happy and he doesn't want any money for that. I should think so too. He was more bothered about the mark on the glass which is very minor, but obviously his missus ''knows it's there so she'll whinge''. His words not mine.

He rang my number so I could get his and text him with my mates details who does smart repairs... But, he didn't let it ring long enough so it hasn't actually registered on my phone!!! :smiley: So, in the interests of not being a c!nt and having been quite impressed with the guy, I will make an effort to leave a business card under the window wiper when I pass his house on my way to work in the morning. Can't say fairer than that!!!

All's well that ends well, glad one of them had some common sense.

He said had he been driving, he'd have called it knock-for-knock.
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He was, dead down to earth, I'm shocked as I was expecting him to be a bit of a bellend but he really wasn't!!! Turns out he was with the missus when he rang me yesterday and so was trying to pick his words accordingly. Also found out that BMW charged him a fair bit more than £95, but as he said himself, he knows it was 50/50 at best and he thinks I've been more than reasonable.


I've found the number for a smart repair lad who's highly reccomended, so that should be the end of it now, I hope. :smile:

And anyway, once they move down to Landaaan on Friday, I can't see them chasing me for what looks like a stonechip and small scuff on a window. :smiley: