Middle lane laws


I am in two minds.

I tend to use the middle lane, if I drive in the am`s I only move when I see cars coming. During the day I use the slow lane as much as possible. The problem with the slow lane is that people dont like to give way, you can indicate in good time to say I want to overtake a lorry then it is as if people step on it only to slow down next to you.

Then there is the problem of people speeding up as you try and over take.

All the others I agree, especially tail gating, but 3 points for hogging the middle lane is a bit harsh. Rather have a campaign on making drivers more "polite". Let the person overtake, then get out of the way for the next.

Then there is the angle of using motorists as a way to make money, will it ever end?

I think it boils down to this are we responsible for ourselves or is the state responsible? If its the state then they will continue adding more and more laws in the name of keeping us safe until we are forced off the road completely.
Too right too! Really riles me up when your in the slow lane coming up to a slower car and having to cross 2 lanes to overtake rather than undertake and get done myself!
The only people who will see it as a bad thing are the people who hog the middle lane.
Very selfish,poor driving in my book.
Totally agree with this law, I hate middle lane hoggers. It can be a right pain when I'm driving my restricted work van too.
Too right too! Really riles me up when your in the slow lane coming up to a slower car and having to cross 2 lanes to overtake rather than undertake and get done myself!

You can legally undertake in that situation,there at fault if slower ,only becomes illegal if you came up behind them and then changed lanes to undertake them!
I didn't either, thanks! Made my life a lot easier.

You can legally undertake in that situation,there at fault if slower ,only becomes illegal if you came up behind them and then changed lanes to undertake them!

Bit of a grey area if you were to get pulled, thats how I understand it as well but I wouldn't trust our police to uphold the same spirit....
It's legal do it all the time in my lorry....first cars etc shouldn't be that slow,but second I'm not allowed to go to the 3rd lane to overtake.
You can legally undertake in that situation,there at fault if slower ,only becomes illegal if you came up behind them and then changed lanes to undertake them!

Yep. As long as you're doing 70 or less.

Failing to do this causes the build up of traffic in the outside lane.

For my $0.02, I think this is a great idea - assuming I'm never in the situation of tailgating in the middle lane at 60mph....
Middle lane hogging doesn't bother me too much, it's lorry drivers who insist on over taken each other across 3 lanes of a 4 lane motorway.

And people who use their phones whilst driving.

Those 2 things grind me more than anything else.

Oh, and people who don't indicate, especially when going round roundabouts.

I tend to always use the left hand lane of the motorway if it's clear.
good, ****ing hate middle lane ******s, just driving with no concentration, which is where accidents happen!!
Will be interesting to see how exactly they will enforce this. I take it they will have to catch people in the act. Taking into account how rare it is to see marked police cars on the motorway I think this is abit of a con.
I'm pretty undecided on this to be honest, I never like seeing the police given more opportunities to lump someone with 3 points. The fines though are fair enough. Please note that its NOT just middle lane hogging and tail gating, they'll also be handing out fines and points for people cutting in lanes, being in the wrong lane on roundabouts, spinning your wheels etc etc.

I'm sure this will ruffle some feathers, but IMO theres a few too many unscrupulous traffic officers out there that could easily lump you with 3 points for a minor offence with no need to go through court. (yes, yes I know there are also some great traffic officers too. The ones I've dealt with have been sound, though not everyone I know has been so lucky).

If they agree to spend the money raised by these new fines in improved driving tests, and better and longer tuition for learner drivers then I'd accept it. But they wont, it'll end up in the coffers with all the other money from fines and not get re-invested in proper tuition, proper policing, and decent quality roads.

They're expecting people to have perfect lane discipline, yet they wont let you learn how to drive on a motorway? I can honestly say that on my entire driving test and theory I was never once asked a question about correct motorway driving. Maybe if we taught people how to do it properly, we wouldn't have such a sh*t standard of driving in this country.
i wouldnt just get hung up on this one item if you read what else is included its pretty much wide sweeping and is a bigger net to catch/fine drivers...and some of them wont be "bad" drivers!
I don't know how they expect to catch anyone anyway. I spend a large portion of my life driving round the M25 and hardly see any police on there.