I'm pretty undecided on this to be honest, I never like seeing the police given more opportunities to lump someone with 3 points. The fines though are fair enough. Please note that its NOT just middle lane hogging and tail gating, they'll also be handing out fines and points for people cutting in lanes, being in the wrong lane on roundabouts, spinning your wheels etc etc.
I'm sure this will ruffle some feathers, but IMO theres a few too many unscrupulous traffic officers out there that could easily lump you with 3 points for a minor offence with no need to go through court. (yes, yes I know there are also some great traffic officers too. The ones I've dealt with have been sound, though not everyone I know has been so lucky).
If they agree to spend the money raised by these new fines in improved driving tests, and better and longer tuition for learner drivers then I'd accept it. But they wont, it'll end up in the coffers with all the other money from fines and not get re-invested in proper tuition, proper policing, and decent quality roads.
They're expecting people to have perfect lane discipline, yet they wont let you learn how to drive on a motorway? I can honestly say that on my entire driving test and theory I was never once asked a question about correct motorway driving. Maybe if we taught people how to do it properly, we wouldn't have such a sh*t standard of driving in this country.