Lossing power

Hi I have got a 197
Having trouble with power loss
One minute it's got full power then next it hasn't
But if I turn it off and back on
The power comes back
Used a code reader come with lots of different codes p0300
P0010 and p2075
Have changed cam position sensor
Changed map sensor
So don't know what else to do
Any one had similar problems
Just fitted in new exhaust and had defazor pulley and timing belt and water pump done
Solenoid valve for dephaser? p0010 says solenoid valve control circuit, could be wires or solenoid itself. Why did you change cam position sensor?
No mate still happening now and again
I put a good cleaner in the fuel
And that sames to have help
It seems like it goes back to a cold start program
It only happens on the second start once I've drove it
Have a look at the throttle body yet?

I had similar last year and the spring in the Tb was shot. But it was a loss power and the car was getting thrown into limp mode as soon I went WOT
Have you replaced any sensors or looked at the dephaser solienoid as suggested above?
When I start mine it either runs as it should with the very occasional hiccup or it starts and feels like it's firing on three cylinders.
I changed coil packs and plugs as a matter of course, the Cam sensor and also the battery terminals. In the end it was the TB that fixed it.

To me, if it sounds like it's running on 3 cylinders I would suggest looking at the aforementioned before looking at a TB.

Ultimately the car needs plugging in with a decent code reader to see what the ecu is saying; as otherwise you'll just be firing parts at it.
Got mine sorted now.
Turned out to be a dodgy coil probably as a result of water ingress.
Running sweet again now.

Thanks for the sugestion