Liquid Yellow R27 Shoot!

Eddie these pics are so NSFW :smiley: Truely gorgeous car, makes me really miss my LY

Cheers bud! I've a few more to put up later on too :smile:.

Originally in a place called Gilnahirk, up the hills in the East, not far from Stormont. Had the Clio over last year for a trip to see family, great roads, need to get over again in better weather!

It's a small world! I live in Gilnahirk too lol. Lived in Stormont as a kid and then moved to Gilnahirk :smile:
Blimey! Lived in Gilnahirk Cresent until I was 12 or so! Then moved to Cyprus Park. Not been back in Gilnahirk for years. Family all live in and around Lisburn now. Been missing the Crown Bar, have a painting of it above our fireplace!