Indeed, I just bought the front set. The front end feels incredibly responsive. Unfortunately i'm having alignment is aligned and driving superb, steering wheel is turned slightly when driving straight
The tracking is off to the steering wheel, so in as much as it’s been aligned the wheel wasn’t in the correct place when it was done
There is an easy solution, you need to get it reset up with the steering wheel in the correct place!
Also don’t forget you will need to have the steering slightly off centre as a car will naturally pull to the edge of the road with camber
Effectively if you take exactly half a turn off the track rod end of the wheel which is towing in too far with the wheel straight and add the exact same amount on to the other side and then drive, it should then be nearer, adjust a little more and you will keep the geometry correct and the wheel will then be in the correct place!
That’s easy and down to whoever set the car up not allowing for the curve of the road or allowing for it too much!

If the wheel centre dot is off to the left, you then need to turn the steering wheel to the right, as you do this the left track rod end will be too long (ie the wheel will point right slightly), and the right will be too short...
The left and right rack end will need marking up at any given point with tipped on the rack end and the track rod end, now observing the two marks you need to wind the rack end into the track rod end by half a turn so the tipped marks are now opposite each other rather than lined up ie 180 degrees out! Is it’s a 1.5mm thread pitch you’ve just shortened that side by 0.75mm, do the opposite on the drivers side and wind it out by the exact same 1/2 a turn, lock them off once more and have a drive, if it’s gone past and is now to the right of centre you may only need 1/4 of a turn on each!
As both sides aren’t the exact same thread as long as you can work out exactly half a turn your tracking will be fine!
As a little tip you can mark up on the ‘tip’ or point/Peak of a bolt along the rack end and track rod end you can also mark up the perfectly opposite point on the rack end only and then you have a reference point for 1/2 a turn as your track rod end won’t turn, so you’ll in effect turn the rack end until the opposite mark lines up with the track rod end mark
I hope this helps and it does rely on common sense and the ability to work out winding in and out also!