

Platinum Member
I took all the staff at work go-karting today as a "team building" thing (or you could call it pissing about :wink: )

and who of all people were also at the centre...Jedward lol

It was all top secret apparently that they were there, but the marshalls told us anyway.
They wouldnt take their helmets off incase they got seen, also had a camera with them and a massive entourage.

Was funny winding them up for an hour or so lol

Their driving was about on par with their singing!!
i'm a tolerant person but even I want to punch them

oh and any type of messing around is great team building lol
They WOULD get beaten to a pulp if ever I meet them, and I too am a tolerant polite non violent person!
should of rammed the irritating b*%$ers off the track!:bat:

+1 they feck me off so much!

They do an East Midlands Airport radio advert on the radio station I listen to... Have to change when I hear it, just puts me in a **** mood lol
If you hate Jedward as much as i do, then go watch the Never mind the Buzzc*cks episode they appeared in.

They basically got shouted at to shut up the whole time and made a fool of. Needs more of that tbh :smile: