iTrader now here


Platinum Member
In light of potential mis-selling that has happened on here, MikeDX has installed the iTrader system on the site.

This enables people to leave feedback rating - similar to eBay's system.

It is still in early stages, and will need tweeking/playing with, so please bare with us while we get our heads round the system!

The system can be used by both buyers and sellers

Here is a simples(ish) guide to how to use the system:

1. Click on the username of the person you want to leave feedback for, and "View Profile" - there will be a "Feedback" tab on their profile:


2. Click on "View Complete Feedbacks for #USERNAME"


3. Click on "Submit Feedback for #USERNAME". You will be faced with this:


4. Fill in all the fields


5. Click "Submit Reply" et voila!


To leave feedback as a seller, select the relavent option from the drop down menu in picture #4 :smile:

Any questions, ask away, remember it is new, and still needs tweeking, so bare with use :smile:
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Just a thought.

Would it be a good idea to 'have' to put the area your from when selling?

Not your postcode but say your county?

When spending over a certain ammount of money i like to who/where i'm dealing with and often prefere to collect stuff myself.
Hmmmm, pm me the details and I'll have a look at it (I hope there is a way of sorting it out lol!)

EDIT: was the thread you are trying to rate in one of the For Sale sections?
Hi Mike

I received feedback from a member and simply tried to clicked on the icon to return feedback to him.

After picking the option of being buyer and leaving a comment it gives message that the thread/url was incorrect.

Just a reminder.
If you leave negative feedback for someone then you are very likely to get negative feedback in return.
You can not delete feedback(only admin can do this)
Please try and work it out before leaving negative feedback.
Hi Mike

I received feedback from a member and simply tried to clicked on the icon to return feedback to him.

After picking the option of being buyer and leaving a comment it gives message that the thread/url was incorrect.


Indeed! Did not get the feedback that Nick gave me. It shows under Nick's profile/iTrader but not under mine... :worried:
Indeed! Did not get the feedback that Nick gave me. It shows under Nick's profile/iTrader but not under mine... :worried:

That's odd

can you try again please and take screenshots if possible?

If the thread url doesnt work, please use this thread as the url and let me know the correct one and I'll fix it.:thumbup:
Hi Mike
Finally managed to leave my soon as i typed a further message in comments box that seller reads it goes through no problem
