Isofix bar - any idea what this is?

Anyone any idea on what this is attached to the isofix bar? Want to remove the bar but something with a wire running from it has got worried!!!


numpty translation please? for keyless entry into the boot?

so I need to leave somewhere in the same vicinity if removing the isofix bar?

theres 3 aeriels in the car to detect the handsfree card - front / middle / rear

so yes it will need to be kept somewhere close to where it is for the system to detect the keycard...

you could try disconnecting it and see what happens!
theres 3 aeriels in the car to detect the handsfree card - front / middle / rear

so yes it will need to be kept somewhere close to where it is for the system to detect the keycard...

you could try disconnecting it and see what happens!

cheers mate - will investigate