iPhone 7

Removing the old headphone jack was the right decision.

Get rid of old spec and make more room for another speaker etc...

I have a plantronics Bluetooth headphones so won't be buying the EarPods. Don't forget the phone comes with normal cabled headphones too so the EarPods are totally optional.
I got caught in the moment :frowning:
Actually, I was reading reviews from 6.30 this morning (thanks to my cats being a pain) and after a significant amount of reading I was all set for picking up a 6S+ from John Lewis.
When I got there I tried the whole range out, and this is when things started to go awry...
Firstly, the gf asked why I would pay so much for last year's tech when the 7 was the same price. Secondly, the Plus didn't fit in my pocket, and thirdly - this was the curveball... since iOS10 I've noticed that there's a lot more use with the home button. I don't actually know if that's correct, but it seemed like I was pressing it a lot more. Even before this morning I was wondering if Apple had some kind of ploy to knacker the home button and make everyone buy the 7. Conspiracy theory at it's best (or worst!). As soon as I tried the home button on the 7, I was really impressed with what they've done with it, then the sales lady told me they had some in stock still. The queue at the Apple store was of biblical proportions, so after about 10 minutes of walking round the menswear department I thought I'd take the plunge and give it a go. I did pop into the Apple store to discuss the watch, but it's not for me, so I've completely contradicted myself with my initial thoughts on here, and here I am! It's a lovely little phone and I needed to upgrade my storage anyway, so it fits the bill perfectly :grin:

I saw some pictures of cars at a car-show; taken on a 7 on face-book earlier.

Compared to anything else phone-wise ive ever seen (And baring in mind fb dulls the quality hugely) - the quality was head and shoulders above all others.

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I saw some pictures of cars at a car-show; taken on a 7 on face-book earlier.

Compared to anything else phone-wise ive ever seen (And baring in mind fb dulls the quality hugely) - the quality was head and shoulders above all others.


Got a link to the picture? Curious to see actually.
On a side note, updated to iOS 10, absolutely love the new typing noises, if you've not tried it out go somewhere quiet and listen they are so pleasant lol!!
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Any recommendation on car cradles for a iPhone 6S?

Not too fussed on running charge/handfree from it, just somewhere to use it for google maps etc!
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Still not got a confirmed delivery date for the 7 yet, but its looking like 18th October according to Apples Website

Mine said 18th October estimate originally, but I got an email today saying it would be arriving on the 4th :smiley:
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My sister got her 7 plus delivered yesterday. The fake home button isn't that bad. So much want :worried:
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