Great to read through all the posts and it seems that more people than I thought are getting charged more for parking a car on a drive or a garage which amazes me!... ..however I still can't believe this is the majority of insurers or policies.. I have never ever come across this or know anyone who has.
So.... I took the time this week to do a bit of research, speak to a few people, and get a few quotes my self as my insurance is due next month...
I called Aviva Friday ( who used to be (not sure if they still are) one of the biggest UK Motor Insurers.
I went through the usual quoting system, usual questions etc etc...when asked where will be vehicle be kept over night, I said a locked garage. I also said can you quote me for parking on the road as well. Suprise suprise it was nearly £100 cheaper parking in a secure garage (so attached to the house).
I also did an online quote on Elephant ( I won't bore anyone with the details but again cheaper - this time around £80.
I also remember from my current insurance Autonet ( that is was cheapest to park in a locked garage overnight..hence why I have it on the cover...
I spoke to an old friend who used to work at an independent brokers.. he was amazed I was even asking him the question. Needless to say he laffed at me.
I did a bit of internet research as well.. to see what the advice of of other bodies was.
• Fit an alarm or immobiliser
• Your garage is for your car – use it!
• Get windows security etched
I used this as West Midlands is where I live and the site is obviously reputable and run by the UK Police Authority.
The street outside the home is where the
highest volume of incidents occurs – 43 per cent in the 2005/06 BCS.
Car theft Index 2006 - latest I could find.
Keeping the car properly secured when not in use is vital. If you have a garage then use it
Plus, as theft and accidental damage add a wedge to insurance costs, if you leave your car in a garage or driveway it's a big theft deterrent and means accidental damage is less likely.
Interesting as this site has adverts on for nearly every UK motor insurance....
Watch where you park
More than half of vehicle thefts occur at night, so keep your car in a securely locked garage overnight. If that's not possible, at least try and park the car off the road, perhaps in a drive way.
*Can I just also add that nearly every statistic I looked at put vandalism and accidental damage to a car parked on a road/car park top of the claim list (after actual driving damage).
I think the breaking in to the home to steal the keys has gone up due to the complicated anti theft systems in place on modern cars... but again this is a small amount of claims that insurers receive - the highest amount was the above. One of links stated that the odds for having your car actually stolen worked out at once every 107 years!
Also I'm sure post code may make a difference.. maybe in a city or build up area where damage parked on a busy street is more likely a garage works out cheaper..if you live in the middle of Scotland maybe it's less as less traffic/people etc.