Insurance...its a license to print money!!!

People really aren't seeing the correlation between scam whiplash claims and premiums going up. Do they really think it comes from some magic pile of money that isn't passed back onto the customer?

So next time the idiot in the pub is laughing about how he scammed a fast buck for a false claim, call him a prick.

These people aren't Robin Hood, stealing from the rich in some mistaken idea that fraud is a victimless crime. They're tossers.
exactly mike, well said mate. the magic pile of money will cost them the year after . . .. . idiots
Anyway don't just blame the idiot down the pub fir whiplash claims. It's the insurers/brokers themselves that push these type of claims!
I got knocked off my bike and the first thing the insurance broker did was put me onto a no win no fee place!
Same with me, I had someone crash into the back of me a while back. It was a very minor accident, just a slightly cracked bumper but within 24 hours of telling insurance I had a solicitor phone me to ask if I had any whiplash!
Yep, there's also the hilarious rates everyone charges as soon as they know it's an insurance job. Accident repairs, hire cars etc etc.
I had a *says quietly.....astra vxr, stolen and written off in Feb. Insurance took 2 yrs no claims off me, leaving me with 1 yr and a claim. Im 31 with no points and pay 815.

Insurance is a joke. Im being stung for some thieving get!

Last year I insured my M3 for 700 before I had to claim!!!!
Yep.....license to print money.
Who legislates insurance companies??? THEMSELVES
Who decides how much they should charge??? THEMSELVES
...And this is undepinned within the law!!!! Name me one other industry that this exsists within??
They treat underwriting like its a science. You put your details into compare site. Mine went from £800 to £2000. Theres the science, and all based on the same set of variables. In this recession they are still making billions of profit. Absolutely nothing to do with false claims. Bloody smoke screen. 5 highest Average insurance company PROFITS last year where in the region of £10 billion!!!!!! Whiplash claims...drop in the ocean
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LMFAO at that grumpy . . . . is he for real?

oh and litchy Im gunna do some research on this subject mate.
Yep.....license to print money.
Who legislates insurance companies??? THEMSELVES
Who decides how much they should charge??? THEMSELVES
...And this is undepinned within the law!!!! Name me one other industry that this exsists within??
They treat underwriting like its a science. You put your details into compare site. Mine went from £800 to £2000. Theres the science, and all based on the same set of variables. In this recession they are still making billions of profit. Absolutely nothing to do with false claims. Bloody smoke screen. 5 highest Average insurance company PROFITS last year where in the region of £10 billion!!!!!! Whiplash claims...drop in the ocean

That won't be motor insurance though!

Motor insurance has very little profit if any.
yes phil u have a point there. what about life insurance. home insurance. pet insurance blah blah blah
yes phil u have a point there. what about life insurance. home insurance. pet insurance blah blah blah

None of the above you have to have by law. I won't go to prison if Jasmin my boarder collie not got pet insurance!!!! No profit in car insurance. Thats why Tesco will sell you car insurance as well as a bottle of milk!!!!
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None of the above you have to have by law. I won't go to prison if Jasmin my boarder collie not got pet insurance!!!! No profit in car insurance. Thats why Tesco will sell you car insurance as well as a bottle of milk!!!!

Tesco will also sell you about 45-60 cans/bottles of beer for £18 which is less than it pay for them.

Companies like Tesco doing car insurance is more about being a one stop shop than huge profit from that particular line. If you buy car insurance you might buy, pet, house, life too not to mention all the other stuff tescos sell i.e. Electronics

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