Induction Kit etc


I may have just treated myself to a little something special (Kevo's bonnet).

It has the vent in which is going to aid massively to gain cold air directly to the induction system . . . however . . .

Do I . . .

A) Replace the Standard panel filter for say - a Pipercross panel filter, leave the lid of the box off and have the feed from the bonnet vent directly into the immediate area


B) Replace the whole setup to include an aftermarket induction kit ie K&N Apollo or ITG Maxogen and have this linked directly to the bonnet vent?!

I understand that with option B I will probs have to succond myself to a Re-Map but probably won't do that until I purchase the Exhaust System.

I'm not gonna go mentally mad on the engine mods, just wanna do as above, get it sounding evensweeter than it does and happy days.

Any ideas and further options would be appreciated boyos.


Option B would be better! :smiley:

Don't worry about the remap with just a change of air filter, not worth it until you decat and upgrade your exhaust system. Even then, probably go for a remap only after you get your inlet manifolds matched.
Cheers Ashe.

Hows your K&N? Bet it growls a fair bit?

personally myself, id leave the standard box on, put in a performance panel filter an try to either merge a pipe from the vent into the cold air feed pipes already there, but closer to the box an hence eliminating the heat from the engine.
i was interested in his bonnet too, but i was gona try an make somne sort of valve that opened under higher speeds to allow the extra air to get to the engine via the carbon vent.

i really wouldnt go for a K&N, unless you like induction noise an major lag
personally myself, id leave the standard box on, put in a performance panel filter an try to either merge a pipe from the vent into the cold air feed pipes already there, but closer to the box an hence eliminating the heat from the engine.
i was interested in his bonnet too, but i was gona try an make somne sort of valve that opened under higher speeds to allow the extra air to get to the engine via the carbon vent.

i really wouldnt go for a K&N, unless you like induction noise an major lag

No major lag, and yes nice growl. Unfortunately, it sucks in quite a bit of hot air especially since I'm in Malaysia.

Personally, if I were in your case I would go for the Maxogen and get the intake feed directly into the filter. That would achieve maximum performance.
Yeh see these are all the thoughts playing in my head! See If I got the maxogen i'd have to get a racing battery as toplace the unit in the right place without getting a major bend in the feed wouldnt fit without movin the battery or replacin it
i believe that the intake feed hose is bendable so you could directly attach the air filter to the bonnet intake.

I'm making assumptions here... have not seen the underside of Kevo's bonnet :smiley: post some pics :smiley:
if you purchased some pipe an silicon hose in the right bends, sizes etc, you coukld easily accomplish wot ur tryin to achieve, plus your engine bay would look sweeeeeeet :thumbsup:
Some kind of cone fillter would work well with kevs bonnet as that's what he was using too.
You couldn't attach a silicone hose to the vent and to some kind of filter set up at the other end as you wouldn't be able to open the bonnet with boh end attach.
See . . . A bloke with commen sense . . . they do exist lol!

Cheers Jase! Well pointed out!

So do you think open air induction kit, situated just behind the battery? Or the Panel filter option?
A cone filter.
Panel filter in standard box just wouldn't really benifit from the bonnet.
Supose you may be able to fit some of that flexy type pipe, but air flow wouldn't be as free flowing.
awesome stuff! I shall look into it! The only open air cone kit I can find is the K&N . . . have to be that!
Cheers Jase
Nothing wrong with a universal kit as long as it's for at least a 2.0lt engine.
All you need is the right size conection pipe which you can buy sepperate.

Search eBay for induction kits not just clio197 ones.