I want to try and get this look with some vynil...

the reason i did it to there:
1) almost as R3 striping
2) because the vent sits high up i evened it out by starting mid nose ending mid tail :smile:

we did try it all the way down... but I didnt like the effect...

but she is really turning heads on the roads now :smiley:

I love the stripes as well, on close inspection the lip is really not 100% - because of the curves and vynil used - but that is OK, it will get some stone chips, etc. so replacing it will happen eventually :smile:

the little side details also go well with the black indicator details
closer shot...
^^ rear shots of above please .

Also do you know the widths of the above stripes?
It even has the CLIO badge taken off for us ready :tongueout:

I like what you did with the bumper J, not sure on the stripes - it's different though!
Nah sorry, looks nasty. Front end has lost the definition of the air dam.

The stripes look pap... that sort of stuff went out of fashion months ago.
follow the stripes to the bottom of the boot and take the mouth off.

But the mouth would look better if it was the mouth of the bumper i.e around the grill there is a lip where it is wider should vinyl up to that edge too if you want the mouth...
good effort just doing it though!
follow the stripes to the bottom of the boot and take the mouth off.

But the mouth would look better if it was the mouth of the bumper i.e around the grill there is a lip where it is wider should vinyl up to that edge too if you want the mouth...
good effort just doing it though!

shot... will see if I can get some vynil to play with that idea... :wink:
nice work, i like ! had a similar idea a while back just didnt get round to doing it but did do red details on mine which are unique to me :smile:
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when you try something like this some people wont like it and some do but at the end of the day if you like it then thats all that matters !! :wink: