I think it may be time...


Platinum Member
for me to take a holiday lol.

I did something that perhaps I shouldn't have done yesterday :huh:

I have a "Krakatoa" attitude, where I just let anger build up and up, and the straw broke the camels' back yesterday, and lost it beyond belief!

Winter is such a dull time of year for me, November and February are death anniversaries - Mum, and Gav Collier.

Roll on June! FCS and Nurburgring, Scotland in July and France in September.

Hey the days are getting longer, it was still light at 5.20pm :smile::smile::smile:

Anyways, the sufferer of my latest cataclysmic eruption may read this, I'm sorry :hug:

Now I am going to flushtracker.com to check up on the latest friend I have seen away to the coast :wink::wink:

Visit the sunny North it's beautiful up here.........

I hate this time of year too, I rarely see day light on weekdays.
Winter is such a dull time of year for me, November and February are death anniversaries - Mum, and Gav Collier.

I know where you are coming from Mike, this time last year was bad for me also, and everything is starting to come back.
Yup I utterly despise winter too!

Normally get around it by going on spending sprees lol! 2 years ago it was the R27, last year an new Mountain Bike, this year the new Camera oh and a house lol!

Would be good to let it out of your system TBH Mike rather than letting it build. If you ever need a rant give me a call!
wanting to do the same mike
just need to get away but cant due to fringing leg
I seriously need a house, but I also need a new employer or a new job. It's starting to get to me a bit.
dont want much then arran lol

Mate I hate my job and they pay me peanuts. It's a vicious cycle because I can't afford a house because I don't get paid enough, which makes me hate my job more. But I haven't got enough experience to go out and just get a new job right away. Would like a career change tbh.