I need a holiday


Platinum Member
Where's hot this time of year and has more than 5 hours of daylight ??

Thinking of flying out 17th and coming back 24th :thumbup1:
Anywhere southern hemisphere. My personal favorite is Thailand, tropical warmth all year round. The island of Koh Samui to be exact, my destination again next year, love it!
Really cheap to stay over there if you just want a little simplicity with a hint of luxary. You can have your own small villa for 2 people for around £20 a night, £25 with breakfast. Food is also cheap as well and booze readily available. Or you can stay in 5 star luxury for £120 a night, and for that price its cheap considering the quality and standard of luxury


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Egypt, but you need to get up as early as 7 to make the most of the sun, as its going down by 4-5ish.
With Thailand sun is up at 7 and goes down at 6.30 so all good on that department.
Egypt is not to bad, although Cairo is a bit of a dive! usual toruisty spots work ok, Sharmal sheikh for instance
We're off to the Carribean in December for a cruise. Its lovely there this time of the year, a nice steady 30 degrees.

I'm really looking forward to it now, I finish work on the 2nd and go back in Jan
Wow Will that looks amazing, im guessing those prices arn't a package holiday ?!?

Done Egypt in December and like you say Jase got to be up at 7am to get the sun and then its dark at about 5 .. people thought we were mad last time we were there as we were the first by the pool everyday at 8am.
I need a break too but its not the best time for me to have any time off. If all you are wanting is sun - Morocco was good, it is a pretty consistent temp all year round and only a 4hr flight. Plenty of people went for just a long weekend
Wow Will that looks amazing, im guessing those prices arn't a package holiday ?!?

Nope its a book your own flights and hotel holiday. for 2 people the flights are about £800, thats with British Airways from Heathrow to Bangkok and then Bangkok air to Koh Samui, and then a half decent 4* hotel with Breakfast is about £600 for 2 weeks. So its not to bad really, especially when you have a look at the location.

Let us know if you find anywhere nice :smile:
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