How low can you go??????

Fitting coil-overs on Monday and wondered how low have people generally gone or did they keep the car around the same as say H&R's springs 30/40mm. Don't want to be eating too many manhole covers lol
like me u mean, tho tbh, apart from the odd speed bump i was alright, and my car felt better as in ride was looooooooooow than it does raised now
Possibly a bit lower, you want to be as low as possible without effecting the quality, it's trail and error to be honest. You will want tad of rake angle wound on too.
As said above, its down to personal preference. The height we initially had ours set at was just too low to not scrape on speedbumps. That was this height:


We had it raised slightly to where we are at now:


Just looking at those 2 pics, the difference doesnt look much (If any) but it now clears all the speedbumps we've thrown at it. However, it does scrape in some multistory carparks.

So I think its just a case of trial and error. Raising and lowering is something anyone can do, so once you get the height right, take it to be geo'd.
remember that at front if you go too low there are negative effect with dinamic camber :smile:

i'm trying to change front pieces from cup to street 197! when i'll (my mech) find how do i'll tell you :smile:
if you go down and the arm suspension is "flat" in static position, when you'll drive in corner, the dinamic camber decreases!



cup racer car use a particular piece that keep the arm suspension mor down into the wheel so it can be low but with right dinamic and static camber..

i hope that i explain it with the right words!


very true, but that will be irrelevant to most people that lower a car because they only want the look.

screwing up the handling is the last thing they are worried about. infact just because it looks slammed they think it must also handle better.
