HOURS of fun! (Maz won't like this though ;o) )

I got this e-mail:

Your flush is now 1.5 miles away, travelling through your country’s amazing sewage systems.

Unfortunately there are 2.5 billion people (nearly half the world!) whose waste has nowhere to go. With no access to a toilet or proper sanitation they are at constant risk from diseases that cause the death of millions each year.

You can help Domestos and The World Toilet Organisation improve sanitation and fight germs in these areas by sending Flush Tracker to friends.

The more people aware of the world toilet crisis the more we can help eradicate it.

Thank you,

lol what you like mike!

I liked your original post better :wink:

But curry is off tonight. Am having sausage and mash in a big Yorkshire pud, that'l be headed towards the coast tomorrow night :wink: