Hi Guys, 182 owner here

Thanks to you and your porn, my BG 182 is now looking like a brand new car :smile::smile:
lol! glad to help a fellow 182 and owner out! i didnt go out and do mine, been busy on here. still another hour or 2 of light left yet so might pop out and do it.
Ahh that makes me want a garage! Me and the other half have just bought our first house and the owner had the garage converted to a gym with a sauna in it, as appealing as that is, i still want to use it as a garge. May have to get a garage door put back in lol!
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Hahahaha, I have a car and a half length garage, and it is fully carpeted, and because its under another flat, its warm too. She's snug as a bug in a rug in there :wink:
Im going to look into building out onto it. Allways said a garage is a must for our first house but this house was to good to pass on even though it had been converted! Im jel of your 182 nice and warm while my poor one is in the cold and wet outside lol
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Im going to look into building out onto it. Allways said a garage is a must for our first house but this house was to good to pass on even though it had been converted! Im jel of your 182 nice and warm while my poor one is in the cold and wet outside lol

Well, I swapped my 197 for a 182, and it now leaves on a cold wet street in Plymouth, but his 182 is now cosy in a garage! My poor 197 :worried::worried::worried: What a shock!

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