Hey ho, it's off to Snetterton we go - review added 11/10

Mine's part of my policy with Greenlight and is £50/day fully comp.

Specialist day only jobs are pretty much 10% of declared value, but they do knock a bit off when you've done a few with them. MORIS, CCI etc..
Sorry Jimmy, the R3 is the Clio rally car.

You can lift the entire tarmac damper/spring set up including ARBs and adjustable topmounts for around £1700. Much better as a viable set up for a road/track car than the Cup Racer kit, and IMO better than going aftermarket too.


I better start saving :smile:

I'm going to change the pads & fluid before next easter trip to the ring.

Over the weekend i'm going to look at the best way to get more airflow into the standard airbox, i'm not playing around with after market crap.
OK, as far as I can gather there's 2 feeds into the airbox... I'm assuming red arrow is the vacuum valved cold start feed and blue arrow is the normal feed from behind the grille?

You can get a duct from the back of the foglight (if removed) up to the red one really easily. I need to remove the front panel to see what the blue one is linked to and its possibility for improving.

Tis a crap design though. Ideally it needs a smaller battery span 90degrees, the tray removing/modifying and the airbox modding to accept a cold feed from the N/S ducted from the fog. Blanking the blue feed off completely.

Might see if I can get a standard airbox and have a play with it.

What do they do on the cup racers? Also, some people use the Cup Racer for endurance racing, so there must be a solution.

There is a guy on Club GTI called N/B and his mate owns a Cup Racer. Might be worth PM'ing him Mike and asking for contact details.
Pretty sure the Cup racers run the V6 airbox, as the battery is relocated to the boot.

I might have had a cunning plan though..... switch the vac valve to the long blue pipe (as it is a separate part) and with the help of a holesaw, make a new big feed in the N/S side of the airbox fed from the soon to be redundant fog aperture.
Im going to sit back and watch this one.

Maybe a bit of head to head testing at the next clutter cup ****box racing event lol
I cant see the entry angles of the blue one, but thats some bend on the top of the red inlet pipe, removing a fog is the way to go but maybe worth ditching the blue pipe all together and running your own ducting. Does the R3 also run the V6 arbox?
Depends what you're used to I guess?

If you're young and this is your first fast car to replace the 1.1 s***box you learnt to drive in, then they'll feel epic. If you've had man-brakes, they feel like cheese pads and bottle top discs.

What's important though is they can be made good quite easily.

Guess it does depend on what you're used too, and driving style.

I'm not young though and run a 172 with DS2500's and the RBF amongst other mods for club level circuit competition and the brakes aren't an issue with that. I find the 197/200 stock brake setup better - when I've run the 197 (non-cup) on the track I've never noticed fade. I'm relatively easy on the brakes though so that would help.

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