Halp :( Blowing noise and loss of power.

Judging by Rich's post that Si posted to, it's a bitch of a job. Not surprised Renault would charge that money to be honest
Seems steep to me.

I'm picking it up tomorrow morning.
I'll find out where the crack is and see if it can be welded while it's on the car.

If not, I'll get prices from other garages to fit a second hand one.
And if it's still crazy I'll take a trip to a custom exhaust place and se what I'm looking at for a full system making up.
Just thinking about all eventualities.

Renault won't repair mine.
Just charge me for a new one.

I need to wait until I find out exactly what the problem is tomorrow morning.
The Honda dealership I got it from ain't doing squat.
I'm trying to contact the dealership owner.

Renault UK are brill and the woman I've spoken to seems to want to help all she can.

The cars with Renault now so they can see what can be done. The impression I get is RUK will help out as they have said the manifold should outlast the car and it would not be classed as a wear and tear item :smile:

Honda can suck my preverbal!
Never buy from a honda dealership.
Compared to Renault their customer service is appalling!
Phone call from Renault

The manifold is cracked on the outlets from 2 and 3. And the two joints before it goes down to a single pipe are perished.

Hopefully RUK will see that it's a fault and help out with costs.
I had my car on the ramp this weekend as could hear a little blowing from my exhaust but its coming from the manifold not loudly but definatley a problem... Just wondering how much yours has cost you.?