H&R Springs Vs Cup Suspension ?

For coilovers your looking at just over a grand, depends which make really.

For V1's you are. But for V3's its considerably more.

Since your talking about retaining as much comfort as possible with the natural sporty feel of the Clio and want to go lower for less £££, then should you decide on coilovers V1's are surely the only option!
I did this on my 182 having had coilovers which I hated, went back to cup suspension with lowering springs and it gave me the lowered look I wanted but the springs were a bit too leany (if that's even a word) when under pressure on track but that could of been down to the softness of the spring..

If you just want looks they are a great compromise for a fraction of the cost of coilovers.

You were shod on gaz, which are the worst coilovers known to man (or woman) on any RS Clio. If you have tried some H&R's you would have a different opinion
You were shod on gaz, which are the worst coilovers known to man (or woman) on any RS Clio. If you have tried some H&R's you would have a different opinion

+1. You can't buy cheap ****, then be surprised when they are ****, then tar all suspension with the same brush!!
If you want performance - Cup suspension
If you want the looks - H&R springs

That's it.

A friend of mine installed Eibach springs on his R27 and it was terrible - the car was too stiff.

I had Eibach's on my 197 and on the good road they were great but on lousy road rear was "light" - the car was prone to oversteer.

Solved that problem with KW V3 (got them VERY cheap)...
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Calm down girls, everyone has a budget and I bought within mine on advice, yes they were **** and I didn't like them but I'm not sure where I was taring them all with the same brush !!!
If you want performance - Cup suspension
If you want the looks - H&R springs

That's it.

A friend of mine installed Eibach springs on his R27 and it was terrible - the car was too stiff.

I had Eibach's on my 197 and on the good road they were great but on lousy road rear was "light" - the car was prone to oversteer.

Solved that problem with KW V3 (got them VERY cheap)...

Cheers fella! :smile: Sums it up nicely! And care to enlighten us on how you came about KW V3's VERY cheap?! :smile:
Cheers fella! :smile: Sums it up nicely! And care to enlighten us on how you came about KW V3's VERY cheap?! :smile:

I bought them used (front were new because one was faulty and the rear ones had <10000km), the guy had to sold his car so he never mounted the front ones (got the new ones under warranty).

He sold them to me for £470 (he let me pay for them 3x£157). :smile:
According to H&R reps, the H&R springs ARE progressive. I'm using them with Cup Dampers and the ride is superb. Yes, it's stiff, but I went from FF 197 to this setup so it was always going to be quite a change for me. But, I don't think it's OTT on the road, I tend to wiggle around any pothole I see anyway where I can, force of habit...

Everybody has a different opinion of ''stiff'' I guess. It depends what you're used to, but personally I much prefer this setup to standard.
But, I don't think it's OTT on the road, I tend to wiggle around any pothole I see anyway where I can, force of habit...

I am very much awear of this technique :wink: you become a silent master of this art through time - no one can tell your carefully avoiding potholes unless they understand what it is to drive a lowered car!
Hahaha!!! Definately a case of ''I'm not p!ssed, I'm avoiding potholes, officer.''. :smiley:

Every car I've had has been lowered so it's just sort of engrained into me now to wiggle.
Haha yeh!

Same here for the lowered car problem.....

Clio 1.2 - PI (shocking i know but was only an ickle 1.2 8v!) 60mm suspension kit
Saxo VTS - Spax adjustables 60mm
Saxo VTR - Bilstein B8 setup
R27 - KW coilovers!

Gradually got better and better as times gone on - only saxos and clios for me!
The 106 gti had so many different kits on it...then i got coilovers! Should have got them in the first place!!!

Plenty of lows and a proper ride!
The 106 gti had so many different kits on it...then i got coilovers! Should have got them in the first place!!!

Plenty of lows and a proper ride!

The amount of deliberation over getting a kit over springs only for my first 2 cars was insane! Full kit all the way. The difference even on a cheap PI kit compared to cheap springs is miles!

Obviously in this case h&r springs are not the cheap option for springs.....
Similar to my history that;

-60mm - 106 S1 16V Rallye on Spax Adjustables
-40mm - 205 1.6 GTi on Bilstein Tarmac Rally Setup
-40mm - Ford Puma 1.7 on Eibach Springs
-40mm - Seicento TrackSlag on Spax Adjustables with an OMP Cage
-40mm - FIAT Coupe 16V Turbo on Eibach Springs

And now Nicole with her Cup/H&R Setup... French, English, a little flirt with some Italians and now I'm back to my beloved French again.

The Rallye was an epic first car!!! :smiley:
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Sounds awesome dude! The rallye is a sickening hatch that's for sure! Considered getting one myself for a long time. Either that a 106gti, the issue is finding a good one is like finding a cheap petrol supply - it cant be done :worried:
Yeah the S1s are getting old now in all fairness and most of them will have been abused at some point in their lives. It's near impossible to find one with an original 1.3 now. I think the S2s have faired a little better but they still suffer from being built to be thrashed and so finding a good one will cost more then it's probably worth. Peugeot have lost their magic these days!!! :worried: