Germans can have a laugh...

That would be faster that any humans reactions. You couldn't drive it around town as even 1% throttle would be lethal!
They'd have to just cover the underneath of the car in rubber! How would any 'normal' driver not spin up in EVERY gear!?

God bless 'em for trying though. At least it'll provide us all with some "oh look RSC's hypercar is on fire at the nurburgring...again" videos on YouTube.
Engine rebild every 10k miles and consumption possibly measure not in mpg of petrol but metres per galon of oil!
4 turbo's on an 8 rotor engine.... sounds like shedloads of maintenance.... Rx8's chew more oil than petrol whats this thing going to do?? Id like to see the tyres too
looking through the spec sheet the "slow" one is running a 400 rear tyre :tongueout: the 2800hp one must crack the metre width mark of tire!
very optamistic for thinking it will cover 10k. Will be measured in GPM (Gallons per Meter)

Haha I think 10k is optimistic too, when you think Mazda recommend rebuilds every 50k miles (80 over here for us aussies) on their production run RX8 I think this thing would only ever be a drag fuel racer type setup... which is reasonably doable along as you're only running the engine for 30secs max