Gday all, new member oh and wait almost over...


Platinum Member
Gday all Mairtin from N.I here been a member for a few weeks but the wait is almost over, picking up my Storm Grey 200, cup-chasis, black speed lines, tomorrow morning. Been a 4 week wait for this or would have been 4/5 months for same with Recaros and Tunepoint, easy decision in the end... Just back from 8 years in Australia and having been a previous owner of the original 172, i'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on the new beast, will gets some pics up soon... if i can drag myself from behind the wheel that is.

Welcome to the site and don't forget the pics when you pick her up.

Really like the storm grey colour. And with black speedlines it'll set it off nicely.

Out of curiosity. How would you pronounce your name? Would it be like M-er-tin?
Cheers all, pics as soon as i can.
Its same as Martin in english, with the extra 'i' is the irish spelling but does sound different in gaelic
Here's a quick pic, filthy as its done nothing but piss down rain since i picked up, bar 20 mins of sun so did a quick shot, notice the Reg... funny story is my old Clio back in 1999 or so was '6299' now this new beast is '6399' like the follow on, quick pic of it included, will try and find a better pic and will get new ones when i get round to cleaning the new SGB (Storm Grey Beast)

Enjoy Mairtin

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