Fuel gauge with a mind of its own..

Hey Guys,

I just got an 08 197 at the weekend (after sadly writing off my 07 197..) and it seems to have a few gremlins.

After filling the thank up with £50 worth.. all was good. Then the next day on the drive home it suddenly drops to the red and the spanner / warning light comes on! I didn't stop as I knew how much fuel the stupid thing had in it and I was almost home.

So.. the next day I put in £20 and again it shows a full tank. All good! However when driving home again it drops to half a tank.. start it up this morning and it's a full tank again.

So as you can see, it's F***ED! Which is a little annoying as my 07 was perfect. Oh and there's a vibration from the steering wheel at 70+.. fabulous!

Does anyone have any ideas? Or has heard of this issue before?

Thanks guys!

Vibration from the wheel could be the alignment/tracking or the balancing. Easy fix.

As for the fuel problem, I've no idea. Could be electronics or something physically in the tank.