Foxy I need you

its your brains i'm after :smile:

what do the belts run on the megane engine? and what would grown and increase when u use the throttle.

i'm thinking alternator, as its only just happened. Well friday to be exact.

Thanks dude
hello :bat:

the auxillary belt runs the alternator and air con compressor - its auto tensioned but "fairly" easy to drop the belt off to see if its alternator

try the air-con/climate on and off and see if it makes a difference!

cambelt runs the water pump - (i would say if it was this you would have a water leak)
My air con isn't gassed so can't really test that, tho when I do turn it on there is no difference! And like you said I would expect water to be coming from somewhere and if it's a belt, sure it would of gone pop by now, just surely must mean an alternator? Do you agree?
My air con isn't gassed so can't really test that, tho when I do turn it on there is no difference! And like you said I would expect water to be coming from somewhere and if it's a belt, sure it would of gone pop by now, just surely must mean an alternator? Do you agree?

could be - check condition of drive belt first as that could be out of line and worn causing some pulley noise

but best way is to drop belt off and try it and you can also make sure the air-con free-wheeling hub is still smooth on the end of the compressor
Don't really know what I'm doing when loosing the belt so guess it's a garage job?

will be easier on a ramp than the cold icey ground fella!

and if your not sure best getting someone that does have a look for you

you should be able to check the belt yourself - make sure its running straight and sat on all the pulleys correctly - then check the ribbed face of the belt - all the ribs should be there and not cracked etc watch how it rotates when the engine is running the tension on it should be consistent and no bouncing with the tensioner (only a very small amount on an old belt)
no worries 8) hope its easily sorted :thumbup1:

tho, i'll be honest, not really confidant about lossening this aux belt, know my luck, i'll **** up the auto tensioner, been to one grage this afternoon, and they say alternater, gonna go to two tomorrow
Mine currently sat in Renault having a new alternator.
2012 R.S

Whine noise, put the lights on or rear window demister
And the strain on the alternator, the whine gets much louder.