Final Destination Scene in RL


Platinum Member
Holy crap... I always fear this when driving behind scaffholding trucks, etc...

I've witnessed scaffold poles fly off the back of an open backed lorry before when they hit speed bumps to fast. Luckily no one was hurt just the car behind them got 2 of the smaller lengths though front bumper.

Seems getting a video recorder in the car (front & rear) is now making more and more sense these days. As you could bet your life even if you got their plates and told police they would deny that wood was from their lorry and get away with it.
HOLY ****!!!

What I always wonder though is why these people are recording every journey anyway? and what kind of camera set up are they rigging together just to drive around normally all day?!
special systems for insurance purpose. Very big in US now as also helps to eliminate fraud claims as well and the main issue with both people blaming each which just makes lawyers rich, as you have video evidence. It just loops until you hit a stop button or it detects crash.
special systems for insurance purpose. Very big in US now as also helps to eliminate fraud claims as well and the main issue with both people blaming each which just makes lawyers rich, as you have video evidence. It just loops until you hit a stop button or it detects crash.

Yeah I mean I don't question their value or purpose. I'm just surprised at how many of these weird things they catch.

Would love to have had one on my van last week when some guy pulled out on me. I hit him as there was no chance I'd stop in time (20yrds away). But now I have to sit and hope he doesn't claim it never happened, which'll create all kinds of **** with solicitors getting involved etc...
Catching weird stuff, look at what google with their street view cars have captured since they've been roaming around.

Might get a cheaper 2 channel job shortly as I said be good to be able to then ensure if I do get involved in an accident and the video favours me of course then I can produce it and have none of the worries that come about afterwards.