Fellow clio-ers need legal advice

No it was near Bristol I think what someone said earlier junction 30 or something m4/m5. Well my previous was speeding so I will call the court try to get it adjourned and plead guilty and just plea for a more lenient sentence due to the circumstances
Ah mate, I'm so sorry about you grandad, away from the impending court case, is he ok now?

Back to it, get yourself geared up for the case, lawyer, knowledge of limits, speeding fines, roads, proof of where you had to be.... etc

I imagine they most certainly will need, not want, to give you points and a hefty fine, mainly in view that despite the fact there was no one working on it, you could have spun off the road around all the highway agency road equipment causing yourself and your brotther to be seriously hurt or even killed, and cause thousands of pounds worth of road and collateral damage.

Best of luck, hope all is well with your family, I very recently had a similar family emergency.

Hi Mate,

Thanks mate. No unfortunately he died a few days later but we knew that when me and my brother left as they were making him comfortable and had already told us that it was a matter of days.

Back to the court case, I will phone them this morning. Another point is, my license was in that letter too both copies so I have no idea what will happen to that.

Just have to take what they throw at me on the chin be polite in court and hope for leniency. Does anyone know of any cheap/good lawyers? How much do they cost out of interest?

Hi All,

Okay so they received my delivery this morning which is late but just made the cut off. When I phoned them they said they would let me know if it had not arrived but checking my tracking number it has. Now just have to wait to see what they say, whether they will adjourn it for me to appear at magistrates or sentence me on Monday. Fingers crossed and I will keep you informed. Thanks for all your advice guys.
Tried ringing the lad who is a magistrate to see how he would deal with it but he is off till Tuesday and has his mobile off.

I'll try again later but its a works mobile and changes are he won't turn it on if he's off.

Sorry to hear about your granddad btw
Tried ringing the lad who is a magistrate to see how he would deal with it but he is off till Tuesday and has his mobile off.

I'll try again later but its a works mobile and changes are he won't turn it on if he's off.

Sorry to hear about your granddad btw

Thanks for trying anyway mate. I could get used to this place everyone is so helpful. Its the way forward and makes sense because if everyone helps everyone, everyone benefits.

Like I have say to everyone about this situation I got to spend more time by his bed and if it came down to it again I would probably do it again because it meant they let me in that night rather than waiting until the next morning. I am 100% responsible for the whole thing and I will hold my hands up to it. I like to think I am careful and whenever their were hazards I slowed down. I am 20 though so it will be down to the magistrates that day.

Mentalpen thank you for your help and Fernandez and everyone to be honest. Ever looking for a bathroom or general advice on bathrooms I can help.
So got my license back today and the magistrates were not in a bad mood but not the best of moods. They have given me 5 points for it and a £260 fine. Not only that though this pushes my insurance from being £750ish up to around £1,100. May have to rethink clio but we will see.

Only good point to come of this is I am with Elephant phoned them up because they sent me renewal documents with 4 years no claims when I would only have 3. I queried it and they said my old insurer quinn confirmed it on the phone and even if it was not true Elephant will honour it. But even with that extra years no claims insurance is still looking at £1,100. Will try and get them down to £900 by haggling but we will see.

Cheers for all your advice guys. Anyone want to buy a kidney?
5 points is much better than a ban on the insurance front, one of my mates got a short term ban now his insurance is 3x what it was!
Yeah I know and they were nice in the sense that 6 was standard which would put me on 9 which means one more **** up and thats it but with 8 I have "breathing space". Not that I will ever speed again. Just checked with my insurance and they can do it for £875 which is a lot nicer figure. So all is not lost.