Emotional video for me...


Platinum Member
Yesterday was the first anniversary of my mum passing away with a brain tumour. It was a dreadful time for all involved.

My mum adored the snow - a lot. And it seemed fitting that yesterday, the heavy snow started down here - on the first anniversary of her death. Then tonight, even heavier snow is falling.

Most of you will have seen this video I should think, at some point, and for me, it brings back find memories of me sitting with mum watching it.

I'm gonna put up another video which is quite similar, but is a MUST view on Christmas Eve - Christmas would not be Christmas without it :smile:


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3 has been removed now due to copyright :'(
it is a very sad time mike been there lost my mom 15yrs ago
only 54 years young and the 15th is like the first i miss her like hell:worried:
cherish the memorys mate
mate i know how u feel, my mum past away tuesday 23/11/10 and i cant get over it, feel for u mate

It still hasn't sunk in for me, even after all this time. I know what you are going through, I started blaming people for it, then I blamed myself. All totally incorrect.

I fully sympathise with you, I know how tough the next month will be for you too :hug: :hug: :hug: