Easily my most anticipated film of the year...

Saw The Avengers last night - awsome movie.

HULK rulz. :lol:

Saw the trailer for the new Spider-man...probably he'll be joining them in the next Avengers.
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The new Spiderman does look awesome. Glad it has moved away from the stupid love story that the wee rat Toby Mcguire starred in.
Why has no one mentioned The Dictator :rofl:

now that could be just the film of the year!!!!!!!!!

was at some traffic lights today with a big advertisement hoarding in front for the dictator..........all i did was laugh at the portraits :lol:
I was driven in Dartz Kombat Gold last weekend. :smiley:


And it's not golden - its gold wrapped. :worried: Tried to scratch a few grams off...:smiley:
back on subject!!!!!!!!!!!

american pie - reunion = 10/10 so blooming funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
Saw Avengers at the IMax 3D last night and really enjoyed it. Funny thing is most people got up and left as soon as the credits started missing the end scene.

Def gonna see the dictator, looks funny
Who gets up and leaves at the end of a MARVEL film? People should know they always out something at the end by now.

I thought the guy at the end looked like hellboy too, but it turns out its Thanos. Looks like they're setting him up to be the next bad guy. Reading up on google it looks like they've been sneaking Thanos related stuff in the other films. His gauntlet is apparently inside Odin weapons vault thingy in Thor.

Not seen American Pie yet but I'm looking forward to it! Not a fan of stiflers mum but she does have the worlds most sexy voice...

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