Difficult week....

Police = c unts

They just go after the easy work. The kid's parents will just be given an overly polite telling off and left to neglect it some more.
Had some kids caught red handed with a spray can nearby last year having been around the estate painting cars and garage doors. They and the parents got off Scott free, I had to scrub garage doors and ruin a clothe and brush, lucky the car was inside.

The day I see them make a real difference I'll eat my hat.
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Litchy, you or the car has nothing to do with this. You 100% did everything right and been vindicated in that respect.

Had you not modded the brakes it may not have ended the same way.

The fact you were doing bellow 30mph in a built up area shows how diligent you are and the kid, the police and the kids parents will be thanking you for that (well perhaps not the police) in their heads.

Sorry to hear about this but well done for the above.
As said the cat is the only thing they could persue.

Cant help but think it may have been different if you were younger and not in the position you were in?

Lucky for you you had the intelligence to declare every modification...i know a lot dont!

Glad you werent speeding and the child is ok, can imagine they'd have dug alot deeper. Maybe its time to pay the parents a visit during the day, as a social worker, and find out why the hell the 4 yr old was out and about gone 9pm and not tucked up in bed!!!
My god mate seeing him run out must be one of the worst feelings in the world.Kids will be kids though.As for vosa its like any other department hit the motorist for any reason they can.So glad you put a complaint in as not everyone is like a lot of the scum out there that don't declare there unsafe mods
considering there was witnesses that back you up from doing anything wrong, i would be be putting a complaint in to the police as to why they needed the car. the car had nothing to do with the accident. if they went on the looks of the car/driver, they cant do that.
It just shows you that ''big brother'' will and does peep onto these kind of open forums if and when he needs to. So those of you who are a bit lax with your insurance, well, sort it. By the way, Mr.VOSA, if you do happen to be reading this and do happen to stumble across my project thread then rest assured that ALL of my modifications are also declared to my insurers. :wink:

Litchy, I hope you're doing well mate and I hope your mind has settled a bit now. You still seemed a bit shaken up over it all when I saw you on Friday. I'll say on here like I said to you then, it's often the ''guilty'' party in cases like this that is left to pick up the pieces. Had the lad died or been left permanently injured then you would have had to live with the memory and knowledge of that for the rest of your life whilst his sh!t family (sh!t, because really who leaves a child of that age to wander about alone at that time of night) would have painted you the bad boy and all the rest of it. I'm glad that the lad is ok, of course, but perhaps this might be a wake up call to his parents that they seem to need.

I do wonder if you were in an old Nissan Primera would you have had the same reaction/treatment from the Police? Also, had you been a white 75 year old in a Honda Jazz would they have even taken the car? Living in an area of massive ethnic diversity maybe they were too quick to judge RS305 and yourself. I know we get in the Manchester Evening News about the insurance scams that have been running up around Bolton/Rochdale so maybe that could have swayed Mr.VOSA's mind a little regarding the modifications but who really has the right to assume insurance fraud!?!

I'm far from being a Police-hater and I appreciate they have procedures to follow (seen more of them last month myself then ever before in my life), but sometimes you hear things and just think WTF!?! :worried:
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Sorry to hear this mate :worried:

I know how you feel. In November I knocked someone over on my bus. He was 18 he broke 3 ribs broke his pelvis and damaged his back. It wasn't my fault and had 20 witnesses to say it wasn't my fault but I got held by police for 5 hours to see if he would survive.

After 4 months I was cleared by the police but then 2 weeks ago my company solictor came to see me to tell me the boy was sueing me. Cheeky ****er was his fault not mine
I hope you're alright mate, don't let it get to you too much. Are they following up with the parents as to why a 4 year old was out alone at that time of night? That's probably one of the largest flaws in parenting I've heard off, seriously not right.
Couldn't the Police have easily checked what your insurance covers while they were examining the car? Would have saved them embarrassing themselves further surely.

Sorry to hear this mate :worried:

I know how you feel. In November I knocked someone over on my bus. He was 18 he broke 3 ribs broke his pelvis and damaged his back. It wasn't my fault and had 20 witnesses to say it wasn't my fault but I got held by police for 5 hours to see if he would survive.

After 4 months I was cleared by the police but then 2 weeks ago my company solictor came to see me to tell me the boy was sueing me. Cheeky ****er was his fault not mine
Cheeky f**k.. This is the American attitude of "Lets blame everyone except myself and see how much money I'll get". I hope he gets made an embarrassment of in court if it ever makes it that far.
I hope you're alright mate, don't let it get to you too much. Are they following up with the parents as to why a 4 year old was out alone at that time of night? That's probably one of the largest flaws in parenting I've heard off, seriously not right.
Couldn't the Police have easily checked what your insurance covers while they were examining the car? Would have saved them embarrassing themselves further surely.

Cheeky f**k.. This is the American attitude of "Lets blame everyone except myself and see how much money I'll get". I hope he gets made an embarrassment of in court if it ever makes it that far.

Yeah he will look a mug mate its all on CCTV off my bus that the police couldn't even be arsed to get
For me this all comes back to the first line of your story. WTF is a 4year old doing on his own!?? The parents should be arrested.
I have 2 kids a 7 year old and a 10 years and I let them play out in the cul de sac I live on, but when they are out there so am I to keep a eye on them. They no not go off my street and if a car turns up they stop what they are doing and move to the side.

How on earth a 4 year old child was walking around by his self on main road really does my head in
Glad everyone involved is ok, always bad to hear about things like this.

Shame about the extra hassle you ended up with when at no fault.
