Decat Y/N?

^^ any side affects ? (bruv wikid )

A slight drop in MPG, and possibly less life for your cat convertor?

Mark, you dont need a remap but if you decat + aftermarket exhaust it without the remap then the flatspot will be horrendous!
ive already got the milltek cat back system and its had the remap with that on but ive got a decat now i havent fitted yet but was jus checking if i need to get it remapped again when i put the decat on,
Would be a good idea but it would be costly to get another remap ...Just suck it and see
ATM with AM exhaust and a remap the sound is better than with decat, it sounds too loud with decat and power only snaps in at 5k when uve been wasted already by a punto lol.
ther is only a slight flatspot on mine(200 with ktec decat) at 2500rpm in a couple of the gears, not really noticable, but like others have said, the noise is amazing.

I think im going to try some of this octane booster aswell to make it pop and bang even more! All i need is a trumpet then and ill have a brass band on wheels. lol