Dave Jones

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Who the f#ck is Dave Jones??

Only Dave Jones I've heard of caught this beast...

He's sh!tfield wendys manager.

Nice common that but I used to catch them that size in mi dads garden pond.
We chant! We shout! We'll knock your keeper out! Vile Leeds, vile Leeds!

Just flick any uk news on and I'm sure you find out about it.
I heard about this on the radio.

It's pathetic. Football is taking a right downturn recently.
What bell end that guy is, keeping up the scummy rep of Leeds fans and anyone who condones that kind of behaviour is a bell end
Just seen a news article in the independent.. So this Dave Jones guy speaks out in defence of his team because some idiot assaults his goal keeper... Nothing wrong with that, the op may not be a fan of sheffield Wednesday but you should be ashamed of the behaviour of your own fans not directing your anger at this Jones bloke.

Nuff said....
I will NEVER understand football I played first class rugby for over 10 years at tight head prop and never had child like tantrums and violence .on the park or off and I even games down in Wales playing for a English club no props with supporters ever just the odd coment
As someone who was there his comments are out of order.

Fans from both side tried to get at one another for a good 15 mins before the incident.

Neil Warnock wanted to go to the fans to calm in down but the police said no then did nothing. This is the same police that murdered 96 liverpool fans may I add in the same section of the ground.

For Dave jones to say it was every single 5291 iirc leeds fan is bang out of order.

Did every wendys fan taunt leeds fans with death chants no, did every wendys fan throw flares on to the pitch. No.

Did it happen. YES!

So are all Wendy's vans vile and should be banned from all home games?

In Dave jones world they should.
What I don't get is the fan hit the keeper in the face and the steward let him walk past him after doin it. We don't get none of this down charlton
If you come to Leeds you are now in the posh stand with lines of stewards surrounding you. Not a cat in hells chance of it happening.

Leeds has learnt it lesson from recent times.

There were lots of coins and bottles been thrown into the Leeds end from the Wendy's fans. Leeds then started to smash chairs to throw back just as we scored.

Police and stewards was 2 or 3 by the pitch.

Suddenly they found 200 from somewhere......
..... the behaviour from both sides is pathetic and neanderthal.. When will people get it into their heads it just a fu#king game.
This is the same police that murdered 96 liverpool fans may I add in the same section of the ground.

That's bang out of order.. Yes mistakes happened all those years ago when 96 people tragically lost their lives but there is no need to go that far..

Funny how you don't make those comments over at the Renaultsport forum where you are a moderator, I guess that's because they wouldn't stand for it and neither should we..
Jesus H Christ.

What happened to the Scousers has the grand sum of f?ck all to do with a bunch of Leeds w@nkers getting over zealous this week. Why even bring it up? I'm sure everyone has an opinion on that event and mine is that the Scousers weren't innocent by any stretch, although I wouldn't wish what happened on anybody.

Leeds travelling fans have a reputation for being complete tw@ts. You only get a reputation like that by acting like complete tw@ts. That's why 99% of the football world hate you and your team, there's a history of tw@ttery there. Regardless of the provocation if you can't handle your beer and just have a bit of banter with the opposing fans then you shouldn't be anywhere near a football ground. I've been at games where straight fans have been set on by people with a mindset like yours, I've seen guys carrying young kids and get bottled and punched by rampaging idiots.

Luckily, over here, Greater Manchester Police are always up for a good scrap and so there's minimal trouble at both Eastlands and Old Trafford. The only time we get trouble is when Leeds, Everton, Chelsea or Liverpool come to town. Or the Italians. It all boils down to travelling fans thinking they're "hardcore" and wanting to prove a point. In reality nobody could give a f?ck, it's a game of football, banter will go on, the odd person will take it too far, deal with it and move on.

Last time I went to Elland Road, our coach got attacked before we even got to the ground. Every window went bar the windscreen, bricks and bottles were flying everywhere, it was an absolute disgrace. The Police were a waste of time, to be fair I don't think they had a chance of stopping it but it's still not a good advertisement for Leeds as a city or as a football club. My missus is a life long Leeds fan, but we can never go to Elland Road together because I've a Manc' accent and she's scared to death of one of the tw@ts jumping me.

Sad state of affairs. I for one agree completely with Dave Jones. It was vile.
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I'd like to add that the Everton fans, generally don't fight with other fans. They fight amongst themselves and rip seats up. I've seen one guy getting hit by another guy with a shoe before now, if you can make sense of that then you're a cleverer person than me!!! :smiley:
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