Cup spoiler. Where from?


Paid Member
I'm sure this has been answered numerous times but search brings up loads of threads with mentions of spoilers.

Where eee is the best place to buy a cup spoiler?
I got a replica off of eBay for £93 delivered, I can dig out the link if you'd like. The difference is that my new one doesn't say renaultsport on the underside, and the finishing isn't perfect.
Spray shack supplied and sprayed mine. Fantastic job and service.

I was looking at them just the other day. I like the fact that they'll send them to your colour specification and can airbrush on logos.

I did see on a Facebook group just the other day though that someone managed to source a genuine one which looks blooming awesome. The end plates are mounded and not screwed on. I'll see if I can unearth a picture. I've tried to find one but to no avail.

*Edit* Here we go...they're low res images off Facebook but you get the idea.


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