Cherry Tree Petals Help this tree in our garden. Very nice but it is a pain in the backside at this time of year. Wouldn't be too much of an issue but the garage is full of junk at the mo cos we are decorating. So the petals have settled on my car, got damp and then baked on in the sun whilst I was out. Now I've got blotches all over my lovely deep bleck roof and they wont come off...even with a heavy polish although I haven't tried machining yet. I'm really worried the lacquer has been damaged....any ideas or helpful tips for removal? They aren't like tree sap...they are litterally marks on the paint! Cheers
Sounds a bit odd, I would start off with all purpose cleaner and possibly ever some tar remover (Works well as glue remover too which is probably similar to sap?).

If that fails I guess machine polish is the last resort
I would say give it a claying. Should remove any contaminants.

It won't have eaten through the laquer in a day.
Tried clay and tar remover. Petals on the car for several days as no time to sort out! Lesson learned! Pink means acidic so it could be quite nasty. Will try a machine polish after another claying.