Bedford Autodrome....

Seen this a while back, makes you feel sick thinking all he did was balls up a gear change. It's not even like he was acting like a loon.

Poor fella.
Probaly trying to hero it with the TC and stability turned off for kudos.

Never driven a rex but if he were on the brakes hard a 197 with ESP on would have caught that!
I would disagree. The ESP won't be able to save it for the fact the back wheels are locked, it simply can't defy physics.
Seems as though he changed gear and didn't match the revs properly hence the wheels rotating at much slower speeds which caused the lack of traction. Locked may not have been the accurate description but it lost traction for enough time.

I can't think of any other logical reason why it would rotate like that.
Just read the comments and it is what happend. Once it starts rotating there was no way the ESP can save it.